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Om internshipet

As an intern, you’ll be provided with unique and challenging projects that will enrich your knowledge about your field of study, highlight what ConocoPhillips has to offer and help you learn more about the latest innovations in the ever changing energy industry.

We hire from multiple disciplines, including engineering, geology and business, for internships in Exploration and Production; Health, Safety and Environment; Finance; Information Technology; Global Supply Chain; and other areas.

ConocoPhillips seeks the brightest and the best from colleges and universities around the globe. In 2013, more than 300 students participated in the internship program in various locations throughout the United States.

Challenging Assignments
Coffee and copies? Not here!

At ConocoPhillips you will be immersed in an environment that can offer you exciting and challenging opportunities to contribute. We pride ourselves on the real-world projects we offer and the value interns add to our company each summer. Don’t be surprised to find interns gaining hands-on practice in the field, programming applications for use on a global scale or presenting business solutions to management. No matter what your specific discipline may be, you can count on using the knowledge you have acquired in life and in your studies to advance your understanding and experience – and contribute to ConocoPhillips’ success in the process

Knowledgeable Mentors
ConocoPhillips knows that building meaningful relationships with experienced professionals helps our interns grow and develop themselves personally and professionally. That is why we provide each intern with a mentor. Mentors share knowledge and insight they have gained from their on-the-job experiences and years of service to help acclimate you to your job, to ConocoPhillips and to your specific work location. And mentors aren’t just for networking and knowledge-sharing – they often become lifelong friends!

Endless Activities
Do you enjoy the extracurricular activities on your university campus? Find them at ConocoPhillips, too! Our professional, social, volunteer and team activities offer what is perhaps the biggest draw to our Summer Intern Program. Whether you are participating in an informative Lunch-‘n-Learns, stocking shelves for a local food pantry, climbing the stairs of a drilling rig, or hoisting a fellow intern through a web maze and obstacle course, you’ll build new knowledge and relationships that will last.

ConocoPhillips offers exciting opportunities to build an inspired and successful career. Whether you are seeking full time positions or summer internships, we have a place for you.

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Les mer om muligheter hos ConocoPhillips
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Om ConocoPhillips

ConocoPhillips er verdens største uavhengige lete- og utvinningsselskap basert på produksjon og påviste reserver. Selskapets hovedkontor ligger i Houston, Texas. ConocoPhillips har virksomhet i 27 land, årlige inntekter på 53 milliarder dollar, aktiva verdt 117 milliarder dollar, og ca. 19.100 ansatte per 31. desember 2014. Produksjonen fra pågående operasjoner, unntatt Libya, lå i gjennomsnitt på 1,532 millioner fat oljeekvivalenter per dag i 2014, og foreløpig påviste reserver utgjorde 8,9 milliarder fat oljeekvivalenter per 31. desember 2014.

Selskapets medarbeidere over hele verden handler i tråd med våre SPIRIT-verdier, som er sikkerhet, personell, integritet, rettskaffenhet og ansvar, innovasjon og teamarbeid. Verdiene er en del av vår lederkompetanse og benyttes i vårt daglige arbeid.