Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv

Yinson Renewables Exciting opportunity to join our Renewables team as Legal Counsel!

Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv


Yinson is passionate about meeting the world’s energy demands in a sustainable way. To achieve this, we believe in attracting great employees through the creation of a vibrant, progressive workplace that puts people first. We’re always on the lookout for experienced and passionate individuals to be part of the team, working and collaborating effectively to make a difference and create impact with individuals, corporations, governments and the business world. We are now looking for a Legal Counsel to join our dynamic and growing Renewables team.

Job Summary

To work on a variety of legal matters, including project acquisitions, construction and operations & maintenance contracts.

Location: Oslo


  • Work together with the business development team on tender or bid documents, contracts preparation and negotiations worldwide.
  • Draft, review, advise on and negotiate contracts and agreements with contractors, suppliers, vendors, consultants etc.
  • Support on all legal matters arising during project execution and operations phases.
  • Provide legal review on various financing arrangements, guarantee structures and general corporate law matters.
  • Undertake general in-house legal work and provide legal support to any departments or discipline within the business unit, when necessary and required, including offices located in other jurisdictions within the business unit.
  • Coordinate corporate secretarial matters, regulatory compliance and corporate governance matters.
  • Appoint and liaise with external counsel on any legal services when required and necessary.
  • Liaise with other departments within the Yinson Group of Companies.
  • Take on additional supervisory role within legal and insurance department when required and necessary.

Qualifications and Skills

  • Qualified lawyer in Norway and/or in a commonwealth jurisdiction. Other jurisdictions may be considered on their merits.
  • 6-10 years’ experience in contractual and transactional work gained at a law firm or in-house legal department within the renewable, oil and gas or construction industry.
  • International work experience and knowledge of the renewable industry is desirable.
  • Good organisational and administrative skills, including strong attention to quality of work, details, and the ability to prioritise and control own workload.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Fluent English, verbal and written is essential. Language skills in Spanish or Portuguese are beneficial.


If you have the suitable qualifications and skills for this position, please apply as soon as possible by submitting your CV and a cover letter explaining how your background can contribute in this position. Applications are evaluated continuously, and we call in for interviews on an ongoing basis, so do not wait - apply now!

Adresse: Oslo

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Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv

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