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Jotun Are you Jotun’s future resource to ensure our sustainability data is true and trustworthy?

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The Global Sustainability Data Manager will oversee, coordinate, and manage the content and functionality of Jotun’s Sustainability data on a global basis, to support reporting and documentation of Sustainability commitment in line with corporate values, policies, and strategy.

The function includes content ownership of the “Sustainability Documentation” platform which enables proper usage of Sustainability parameters externally and internally by business segments. Further, the function will drive future development of the global platform in close collaboration with the IT-Solution owner.


  • Ensure that Sustainability content across Jotun is clear, consistent and that data is accurate, relevant and may be extracted for different reporting or information needs.
  • Interact with relevant functions to keep the content of “Sustainability Documentation” updated and ensure Sustainability data quality, accuracy, and reliability.
  • Create and execute plans and guidelines for Sustainability data in line with policies and strategies, and ensure proper methods for collection, management, and preparation of Sustainability data for analysis.
  • Collaborate closely with IT-Solution Owner to ensure proper usage of “Sustainability Documentation” platform, including content-related tools to monitor and govern content, and further develop the platform to changing needs and requirements.
  • Help with analyzing Sustainability data to find patterns, risks, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Be part of Change Advisory Board for “Sustainability Documentation” platform, for development purposes.



  • Master of Science degree, or equivalent


  • Experience and understanding of large global organizations
  • Experience with collaborative work with multiple teams
  • Experience in work with Sustainability, environmental science or related field will be an advantage
  • Experience from project management
  • Knowledge of data management

Desired skills:

  • Minimum of 5 years working experience in an international company/organisation
  • Strong integrity and a commitment to Sustainability
  • Strong communication and stakeholder management skills

A successful candidate:

  • Uses a methodical and systematic approach; plans ahead and defines clear priorities
  • Builds a useful network of contacts and relationships; utilizes it to achieve objectives
  • Communicates in a clear, precise and structures way; speaks with authority and conviction; presents effectively
  • Cooperates well with others; shares knowledge, experience and information; supports others in the pursuit of team goals
  • Adheres to company rules and procedures; executes plans with commitment and determination; achieves high quality results
  • Understands the organization's informal rules and structures; utilizes political processes effectively to get things done


  • A friendly and supportive culture. We have an informal work environment with few hierarchies. We are always striving to live our values: Loyalty, Care, Respect, Boldness.
  • Extensive opportunities for professional and personal development, through internal programs and Jotun Academy.
  • A professional and supportive work environment with focus on continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Exciting challenges in a growing company with excellent financial results.
  • Highly competitive pension and insurance scheme.

Adresse: Sandefjord

Om arbeidsgiveren

Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of decorative paints, marine, protective and powder coatings. The group has 70 companies and 36 production facilities on all continents. Jotun products are available in more than 90 countries through own subsidiaries, joint ventures, agents, branch offices and distributors. Jotun's total sales in 2013 was NOK 16,022 million, and has more than 9,500 employees. The Jotun Group is organised into four segments and seven geographical regions, and has its head office in Sandefjord, Norway.

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Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv

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