Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv

Statkraft Application Engineer

Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv


Company Description

Statkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That is what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. We envision a world that runs entirely on renewable energy. Because in the fight against climate change, we do not see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you will shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match.

But there is more work to be done -- that is why we need you to join!

Job Description

The IT Infrastructure Delivery department aims to understand architecture designs, prepare, and deploy reliable, scalable, and secure IT Infrastructure cloud services, ensuring compliance, optimizing processes through automation, fostering collaboration, and staying updated with emerging technologies to support the organization's operations and growth.

We are seeking an Application Engineer that will be responsible for designing and implementing highly available and scalable containerized applications on the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) platform. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop and deploy robust solutions, ensuring the efficient utilization of Azure resources and adherence to industry best practices.

Your responsibilities will include:

  • Design and deploy containerized applications on the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) platform
  • Optimize application performance, scalability, and security on the AKS platform
  • Develop and maintain infrastructure-as-code (IaC) templates for automated provisioning and configuration of Azure resources, including dockers and Kubernetes, in accordance with best practices and Statkraft security policies
  • Take initiative to analyze, review and identify potential improvements and modernization points in existing environments
  • Implement security controls, identity management, and compliance standards to ensure the security and integrity of AKS resources
  • Stay updated with Cloud technologies, features, and industry trends, and propose improvements to infrastructure delivery processes


To be successful in this role, we believe you have:

  • Five or more years of experience related to cloud technologies as well as understanding of the potential in cloud delivery- and operating models
  • In-depth knowledge of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), including container orchestration, deployment, and management
  • Strong scripting and automation skills using Bicep, JSON, Azure Devops, PowerShell
  • Proficient in using Azure DevOps tools for CI/CD and infrastructure automation
  • Bachelor’s or master's degree within relevant fields, or relevant work experience
  • Certifications related to cloud technology is a plus

Skills & experience in the following would also be beneficial:

  • Self-driven and adaptable individual to an organization that is under transformation
  • Strong competency on security and compliance towards cloud
  • Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving abilities
  • Passion for continuous learning and staying updated with Cloud microservices trends and best practices

Additional Information

What we offer

  • Unlimited learning opportunities at various levels of the organization
  • The chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists and graduates from different countries and backgrounds
  • The opportunity to work somewhere with pride, and be able to honestly say “My work is contributing to saving the planet”
  • A work culture that puts emphasis on the individual, offering flexible working solutions, parental leave, and work life balance principles
  • Statkraft offers competitive terms of employment and benefits schemes, and we’re a trusted employer that puts the safety of our people first. We believe that a safe and healthy working environment is a matter of choice, not chance

Statkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality or disability.

Statkraft manages critical infrastructure and services in several countries. The applicant must be eligible for security clearance and authorization.

**Application deadline:**10. March 2024.

**Location:**The position is located at the main office in Lilleaker, Oslo, Norway.

**Contact:**For more information about the position please contact Tadas Rukas, IT Infrastructure Engineering Manager, email: Logg inn for å se kontaktinformasjon.

Adresse: Oslo

Om arbeidsgiveren

Statkraft er et ledende internasjonalt selskap innen vannkraft og Europas største leverandør av fornybar energi. Konsernet produserer vannkraft, vindkraft, solkraft og gasskraft og leverer fjernvarme. Statkraft er en global markedsaktør innen energihandel og har 3400 ansatte i 16 land.


Vi er opptatt av deg som student, som nyutdannet og som erfaren, rekrutterer årlig til våre sommerjobber, tverrfaglige sommerprosjekt og traineestillinger i Statkrafts internasjonale traineeprogram. Vi ønsker å komme i kontakt med deg som har ambisjoner om å skape muligheter for Statkraft og som ønsker en spennende karriereutvikling i et innovativt og internasjonalt konsern med høy etisk standard. 


I en verden med store klimautfordringer er Statkrafts kjerneprodukt mer etterspurt og verdifullt enn noen gang. Behovet for ren energi skaper betydelige vekstmuligheter. Statkraft har en unik posisjon for å ta del i denne veksten, og vil utvikle fornybar energi på en måte som støtter en positiv samfunnsutvikling.

Ambisjonen for Statkraft er å styrke posisjonen som en ledende internasjonal leverandør av ren energi. Dette skal gjøres ved å utnytte konsernets konkurransefortrinn og kjernekompetanse.

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Viktig melding: Denne stillingen har utløpt / er ikke aktiv

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