
Jobbmuligheter som Statistiker

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Jobbmuligheter som Statistiker
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Andre ledige stillinger hos Statkraft
Prosjektleder Bygg - Eidfjord
Statkraft har gjort ren energi mulig i over et århundre. Det er det vi tilbyr. 125 års ekspertise uten sidestykke er med på å forsyne verden med det den trenger mest - grønn energi. Fordi i kampen mot klimaendringer ser vi ikke fornybar energi som en del av løsningen - vi tror det er løsningen. Hos oss vil du kunne forme en karriere som virkelig er fremoverlent med mange fantastiske muligheter.Men det er mer arbeid som må gjøres - derfor trenger vi deg!Har du lyst til å lede spennende vannkraftprosjekter? Da ønsker vi å bli kjent med deg!Vi søker Prosjektleder Byggtil utvikling og gjennomføring av spennende dam- og kraftverksprosjekter. Stillingen er tiltenkt prosjekter i forbindelse med våre anlegg i Hardanger og Ulla-Førre. Kontorsted er Sauda, men oppmøte ved ett av våre kontorer i Eidfjord, Tyssedal eller Suldalsosen er også mulig.Prosjektavdelingen i Statkraft består av rundt 40 personer og gjennomfører en stor mengde vannkraftprosjekter i hele Norge. Prosjektporteføljen vår er økende og består av alt fra små og enkle til store og komplekse prosjekter. Vi er lokalisert med oppmøtesteder i Narvik, Trondheim, Gaupne, Sauda, Dalen og Oslo. Reising i forbindelse med prosjektgjennomføring må påregnes.Din rolle:Prosjektleder for byggprosjekter fra idefase til ferdig prosjektLedelse og oppfølging av egne prosjektteamRepresentere Statkraft på en god måte i samarbeid med myndigheter, entreprenører og andre parterOppfølging av konsulenter, entreprenører og andre leverandørerBidra til å kvalitetssikre og evaluere tilbud fra leverandører og entreprenørerSikre at alt arbeid utføres iht. Statkrafts krav, kontrakter, offentlige krav, prosjektmodell, m.m.Rapportering til Prosjekteier og StyringsgruppeHvem er du:Utdanning på Bachelor- eller Masternivå innen bygg og anlegg. Lang erfaring kan kompensere for manglende utdannelseErfaring med prosjektledelse er en fordel, men ikke et kravEvne til å inspirere og skape et godt og utviklende arbeidsmiljøEr kundefokusert og løsningsorientertErfaring fra vannkraftproduksjon er en fordel, men ikke et kravArbeider ryddig og strukturertGode generelle IT--kunnskaper og --ferdigheterBehersker norsk og engelsk, muntlig og skriftligI Statkraft leter vi alltid etter mennesker med gode sosiale evner og som kommuniserer godt. Folk som liker å lede, lære og hjelpe andre å lære.Hva vi tilbyr:En karriere i Statkraft er meningsfylt -- hver eneste medarbeider bidrar til en reell forskjell for samfunnet og vår felles framtid. Sammen med faglig sterke kolleger i et godt arbeidsmiljø vil du være tett på produksjonen av den fornybare energien som skal være med å løse klimautfordringen vi står overfor. Samtidig som du kan være stolt av at ditt arbeid, kan vi også tilby mange andre fordeler:Ubegrensede læringsmuligheter på ulike nivåer i organisasjonenSjansen til å utvikle din karriere sammen med et globalt nettverk av eksperter, ledere, spesialister og kandidater fra forskjellige land og bakgrunnerKonkurransedyktige betingelser og velferdsordningerVi er en betrodd arbeidsgiver som setter sikkerheten til våre ansatte først. Vi mener at et trygt og sunt arbeidsmiljø er et spørsmål om valg, ikke tilfeldigheterStatkraft forvalter kritisk infrastruktur og tjenester i flere land. Søkeren må være kvalifisert for sikkerhetsklarering og autorisasjon.Søknadsfrist: 16.10.2023For mer informasjon om stillingen vennligst kontakt Bård Aslak Birkeland , Seksjonssjef Bygg, telefon +47 907 47 531. Adresse: Eidfjord
16.10.2034 Eidfjord
Statkraft har gjort ren energi mulig i over et århundre. Det er det vi tilbyr. Nærmere 130 års ekspertise uten sidestykke er med på å forsyne verden med det den trenger mest - grønn energi. Fordi i kampen mot klimaendringer ser vi ikke fornybar energi som en del av løsningen - vi tror det er løsningen. Hos oss vil du kunne forme en karriere som virkelig er fremoverlent med mange fantastiske muligheter.Men det er mer arbeid som må gjøres - derfor trenger vi deg!Kraftverksgruppe Mår&Nore drifter kraftverkene Mår, Nore1, Nore 2, Hakavik, Stegaros, Pålsbu og Rødberg med reguleringsanlegg. Fagarbeiderne er organisert i to tverrfaglige vedlikeholdsgrupper med oppmøtested på Rødberg og Rjukan. Vi har i dag 28 medarbeidere i kraftverksgruppen.For å styrke bemanningen i Kraftverksgruppe Mår&Nore søker vi etter:Fagarbeider; Energimontør i Vedlikeholdsgruppe Nore med oppmøtested Rødberg.Vi søker etter en engasjert og ansvarsfull energimontør. I stillingen skal du jobbe i team med erfarne og dyktige kolleger med hovedfokus på drift og vedlikehold av kraftverk. Reising internt i kraftverksgruppen og regionen må påregnes.Din rolle:Bidra i daglig drift og vedlikehold, feilretting og nymontasje i kraftanleggene.Bidra til ett kostnadseffektivt vedlikehold og kontinuerlig forbedring.Det kan være aktuelt med beredskapsvakt, ansvarlig for arbeid (AFA), leder for sikkerhet (LFS) og kjentmann for brannberedskapDelta i rehabiliteringsprosjekterDet kan være muligheter for prosjektledelse av mindre prosjekter, byggeledelse og SHA-koordineringKvalifikasjoner:Fagbrev som energimontør.Erfaring fra kraftverksbransjen er en fordelGod holdning og sterk motivasjon i forhold til HMSEvne til å jobbe selvstendig og i team, og inneha gode samarbeidsevner.Interesse og evne til å ta i bruk ny teknologi og digitale verktøySertifikat for bil er nødvendig og andre sertifikater/godkjent opplæring er en fordelGode kommunikasjonsevner muntlig og skriftlig norsk, og inneha gode engelskkunnskaper.Være resultatorientert og vektlegger orden, struktur og god planleggingDet kan bli stilt helsekrav med tanke på brannberedskap/kjentmannStatkraft forvalter kritisk infrastruktur og tjenester i flere land. Søkere må derfor gjennomgå en bakgrunnssjekk, den må være bestått, det er en forutsetning for tilsetning.Ytterligere informasjonEn karriere hos Statkraft er en karriere fylt med mening - noe som betyr at hver ansatt ikke bare tjener til livets opphold, de gjør en reell forskjell for planeten, samfunnet vårt og fremtiden. Sammen jobber vi i frontlinjen for å endre spillet for fornybar energi.Dette inkluderer:Faglig og personlig utvikling i et konsern i sterk vekstEt godt arbeidsmiljø preget av kompetanse, ansvarlighet og nyskapingMangfold med hensyn til kjønn, alder og kulturell bakgrunnKonkurransedyktige betingelser og gode velferdsordningerStatkraft tilbyr konkurransedyktige ansettelsesvilkår og ytelsesordninger, og vi er en pålitelig arbeidsgiver som setter sikkerheten til våre ansatte først. Vi tror at et trygt og sunt arbeidsmiljø er et spørsmål om valg, ikke tilfeldigheter.Oppmøtested: RødbergSøknadsfrist: 4. august 2024. Grunnet sommerferie vil kandidater bli innkalt i uke 32, og intervjuer vil foregå i uke 33.Nærmere opplysning fås ved henvendelse til Vedlikeholdsleder; Ole Gunnar Haug, 99567041 Adresse: Rødberg
04.08.2024 Nore og Uvdal
Manager Workplace - Infrastructure Operations
Company DescriptionStatkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That is what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. Because in the fight against climate change, we don’t see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you will shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many exciting opportunities and offerings to match.But there is more work to be done -- that is why we need you to join us.Job DescriptionThe IT Infrastructure department (ITI) is responsible for global infrastructure deliveries and operations in Statkraft. Within the department there is now an available position as “Manager Workplace -- Infrastructure Operations”, reporting to Head of Infrastructure Operations. As a member of the ITIO management team this role contributes to the operational excellence and lifecycle management responsibility of IT services.The Manager of Workplace brings experience, knowledge, and future vision for further development of the workplace related services like; end-user computing, collaboration and communication services both in a cloud as well as on-premises IT environments.Your key responsibilities will include:Line management responsibilities for the Workplace departmentRecruit and support the team in their career progression, nurture development, and help them realize their potentialContribute to establish a fit-for-purpose IT operating model for included servicesBuild successful relationships with other key IT and business stakeholdersEnsure that change and lifecycle management are aligned with infrastructure architecture roadmapsThird-party vendor management in collaboration with SIAMQualificationsWe believe you have the following qualifications:Bachelor’s or master's degree within relevant fieldsTen or more years of experience in IT, where more than three are related to workplace technologiesSignificant experience and excellent understanding of both end-user computing and, collaboration and communication technologies such as video conferencing, print, telephony etcThese skills and experiences would also be benificial in your role:Self-driven and adaptable individual to an organization that is under transformationPassion for continuous learning and staying updated with IT trends and best practicesSolicits feedback from others to improve their performanceExperience in managing lT Operation teamsThird-party management, working closely with sourcing and vendor managersAdditional InformationWhat we offerUnlimited learning opportunities at various levels of the organizationThe chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists, and graduates from different countries and backgroundsThe opportunity to work somewhere with pride, and be able to honestly say “My work is contributing to saving the planet”A work culture that puts emphasis on the individual, offering flexible working solutions, and work-life balance principlesStatkraft offers competitive terms of employment and benefit schemes, and we’re a trusted employer that puts the safety of our people first. We believe that a safe and healthy working environment is a matter of choice, not chanceStatkraft manages critical infrastructure and services in several countries. The applicant must be eligible for Norwegian security clearance and authorization.Statkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality or disability.**Application deadline:**11. August 2024. The evaluation of applications and selection process will start after the deadline.Location and travel: The position is located at the main office in Lilleaker, Oslo, Norway.**Contact:**For more information about the position, please contact Head of Infrastructure Operations Kenneth Andresen +47 922 25 548. Adresse: Oslo
11.08.2024 Oslo
IT Security Architect
Company DescriptionStatkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That’s what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. Because in the fight against climate change, we don’t see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you’ll shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match.But there’s more work to be done -- that’s why we need you to join us.Job DescriptionOur Cyber Security department is contributing to protect all business areas in Statkraft. We use our expertise within security frameworks, standards, and best practices, as well as our in-depth technical knowledge to understand and support different initiatives and day to day operations. We collaborate with other security domain areas in Statkraft as well as external partners to keep each other informed and protected, and to further our profession and skillset.Our department consists of specialists passionate about their field and thriving in the dynamic and complex environment -- and we are currently looking for a new colleauge to strengthen our IT Security Architecture team!Your Role:The IT Security Architect role in Statkraft relies on good communication skills, influencing the positive and mature IT security posture throughout the organization, and using the security mandate to protect and improve the IT security services and IT architecture.You will report to Head of Cyber Security Architecture and your tasks will include the following:Assess and design secure and compliant solutions with customers, bringing security requirements and best practice early into the design process, and monitor their implementationBuild relationships and collaborate with stakeholders, system owners, IT specialists, and process control specialists to ensure all visions are alignedImplement administrative and technical security controls throughout the global IT and process control environmentDevelop and maintain security standards, guidelines, and best practices for secure development and testing across different platforms and technologiesProvide guidance and support to developers and testers on how to implement security controls and tools in their workflows and ensure compliance with security policies and regulationsPromote security culture among the development and testing teams on security topics and best practicesEvaluate IT and process control infrastructure changes and requests that impact securityProvide practical security requirements to projects and activities that helps both the end-user and the organization to balance security - based on established security policies and standardsAssist with internal and external security audits and assessments, and facilitate third party security assessmentsCollaborate with GRC team on risk assessments, mitigations, and subject matter expertiseCollaborate with CSIRT team to ensure that findings are addressed through robust processes, IT, and process control security architectureContinously improve sercurity poilcies and processes based on your experience, observations and researchQualificationsPassionate about cybersecurity and have knowledge about threats to critical infrastructureTechnical background in IT security and developmentKnowledge within one or more of the areas in IT security and process control security, including LAN/WAN networks and communication security, software development security, identity and access management and security operationsKnowledge about Zero Trust Architecture and conceptsWork experience with security frameworks and standards (e.g. ISO 27001, NIST CSF, CIS Controls)Work experience with risk assessments and risk management process is an advantageWork experience with security- and penetration testing is an advantageStuctured, ethical, professional, proactive, and ambitiousFluent in English and Norwegian, both oral and writingAdditional InformationWhat we offerUnlimited learning opportunities at various levels of the organizationThe chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists, and graduates from different countries and backgroundsThe opportunity to work somewhere with pride, and be able to honestly say “My work is contributing to saving the planet”A work culture that puts emphasis on the individual, offering flexible working solutions, and work-life balance principlesStatkraft offers competitive terms of employment and benefit schemes, and we’re a trusted employer that puts the safety of our people first. We believe that a safe and healthy working environment is a matter of choice, not chanceStatkraft manages critical infrastructure and services in several countries. We conduct background checks on qualified applicants before hire and in this role you must qualify for Norwegian and Swedish security clearance and authorization. Necessary background check according to Norwegian and Swedish regulatory requirements is needed for this position.Statkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality or disability.**Application deadline:**12. August 2024. Applications will be evaluated after the deadline.Location and travel: The position is located at the main office in Lilleaker, Oslo, Norway.**Contact:**For more information about the process, please contact Celina Nybråten, Talent Acquisition Advisor, celina.nybraten@statkraft.com. Adresse: Oslo
12.08.2024 Oslo
Internal Digitalization Advisor
Company DescriptionStatkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That is what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. We envision a world that runs entirely on renewable energy. Because in the fight against climate change, we do not see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you will shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match.But there is more work to be done -- that is why we need you to join!Job DescriptionIf you want a career where you utilise your innovative thinking, business understanding and people skills, then this is your chance to help Statkraft succeed with digitalisation to improve the business, realise the potential of renewable energy, and make a positive impact on our planet.As Internal Digitalization Advisor, you will be part of the corporate information technology (IT) service provider in Statkraft, and work as an internal consultant in the interface between Statkraft IT and other business areas in Statkraft. You will:Work with business areas for Wind, Solar, Hydropower, and new green energy solutions (that develop, build, and operate green energy assets worldwide) to improve their processes, finding good IT solutions, and optimise the business for the futureFollow an idea from inception to final solution, in cooperation with the power producing business areas and 400 great colleagues in ITWork in a great team of experienced Internal Digitalization AdvisorsWork in an international environmentQualificationsGood understanding of the possibilities enabled by digitalisationAbility to put unstructured information into context and present stories that are easy to follow and understandHigher relevant education at university level and minimum 5 years’ experienceSolid technical background and experience from working with IT, with the ability to connect the dots between needs and solutionsFast learner with ability to quickly understand business processes and identify potential for improvementAt Statkraft, we are always looking for people with great social and communication skills. The right candidate has strong relationship capabilities and talent for creating trust is vital for success in this role. In addition, you are:Strong in facilitation, process, and project management, and good at starting and moving casesGreat drive and corporate navigation skillsFluency in both Norwegian and English is a requirement.Additional InformationWhat we offerUnlimited learning opportunities at various levels of the organisationThe chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists and graduates from different countries and backgroundsThe opportunity to work somewhere with pride, and to be able to honestly say “My work is contributing to saving the planet”A work culture that puts emphasis on the individual, offering flexible working solutions, parental leave, and work life balance principlesStatkraft offers competitive terms of employment and benefits schemes, and we’re a trusted employer that puts the safety of our people first. We believe that a safe and healthy working environment is a matter of choice, not chanceStatkraft manages critical infrastructure and services in several countries. The applicant must be eligible for security clearance and authorization.Statkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality, or disability.**Application deadline:**11th of August 2024. The evaluation of applications and selection process will start after the deadline.**Location:**The position will be located at the head office, Lilleaker, Oslo.Contact: For questions about the process, please contact Celina Nybråten, Talent Acquisition Advisor, celina.nybraten@statkraft.com. Adresse: Oslo
11.08.2024 Oslo
Business Partner, Finance - Nordics Development
Company DescriptionStatkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That is what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. We envision a world that runs entirely on renewable energy. Because in the fight against climate change, we do not see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you will shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match.But there’s more work to be done -- that’s why we need you to join us.Job DescriptionWe are looking for a Business Partner Finance to support the Development unit (ND) in Business Area Nordics (BA Nordics). In BA Nordics, all onshore growth initiatives are gathered in the development unit (ND), spanning across redesign of existing hydropower plants, new onshore wind development and wind repowering projects.Business Area Nordics is responsible for providing clean energy to Statkraft’s Nordic markets. Statkraft is currently Europe’s largest producer of renewable energy based on a large fleet of operating assets across multiple technologies. In addition, we have high growth ambitions in renewable development within hydropower, onshore wind, solar, batteries and offshore wind.The Business Partner for ND will help drive finance processes together with ND, supporting and challenging assumptions and analyses. You will provide performance management and financial analysis supporting the management team’s decision making. To succeed in the job, you will have to combine communication skills with business understanding and financial analysis.The position is part of the Nordics Finance team, and you will be a part of the team Capital allocation & Business Partners (NFC). In NFC, we create value by ensuring a transparent, efficient, and optimal capital allocation and long-term planning process for all Nordics. Additionally, we support and challenge the growth in the Nordics Development, Offshore Wind, and Ownership units with dedicated Business Partners.Responsibility and opportunitiesYou will provide a wide range of financial and performance management support to the Development unit.Key deliveries include:Take lead in driving analysis and preparing analysis and material to business planning, risk- and performance management processes and quarterly business reviewsFollow up of cost and performance, including maintaining projects and structures in systems and coordinate quarterly forecast updatesPerformance management and support in follow-up of scorecard and KPIsHelp maintain an overview of Statkraft’s Nordic development portfolioSupport with input to SAP financial master data for unit, ensuring compliance with internal trade guidelinesQualificationsWe are looking for someone with:Higher degree (preferably a Master’s degree) in economics, science, engineering, or similarMinimum 3 years relevant experience from finance, accounting or investment analysis or transactions is an advantageGood working knowledge of SAP for financial master data follow-up is an advantageFluency in one of the Scandinavian languages as well as fluency in English (written and spoken)CapabilitiesStrong communicator (orally and in written material) with the ability to engage the organization and collaborate well with stakeholders from different business areas and functionsExcellent analytical and problem-solving skillsFinancial and commercial mindset with focus on drivers and value creationProactive mindset and attitude and a strong drive and desire to make an impact on Statkraft's businessStrategic and structured approach to challenges and tasksHigh personal integrity and high ethical standardsAdditional InformationA career with Statkraft is filled with purpose -- meaning that every employee is not just making a living, they are making a real difference to the planet, our communities, and the future. With us, you’ll shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match. This includes:An opportunity to work with renewable energy and contribute to a low-emission societyProfessional and personal development in an exciting global companyA working environment characterized by competence, responsibility and innovation and a strong commercial cultureA diverse workplace with regard to gender, age, and cultural backgroundCompetitive terms of employment and benefit schemesCareer and learning opportunities at various levels of the organizationThe chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists, and graduates from different countries and backgroudStatkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality or disability.Application deadline: August 18, 2024This role will be based in Oslo, Norway.**Contact information:**For questions, please contact Marit Hofset Stamnes, VP Capital Allocation & Business Partners at marit.stamnes@statkraft.com or +47 480 04 397. Adresse: Oslo
01.08.2024 Oslo
IT Security Architect
Company DescriptionStatkraft has been making clean energy possible for over a century. That is what we offer. 125 years of unrivalled expertise in supplying the world with what it needs most. We envision a world that runs entirely on renewable energy. Because in the fight against climate change, we do not see renewable energy as part of the solution -- we believe it must be the solution. With us, you will shape a career that is truly forward-facing with many amazing opportunities and offerings to match.But there is more work to be done - that is why we need you to join!Job DescriptionOur Cyber Security department is contributing to protect all business areas in Statkraft. We use our expertise within security frameworks, standards, and best practices, as well as our in-depth technical knowledge to understand and support different initiatives and day to day operations. We collaborate with other security domain areas in Statkraft as well as external partners to keep each other informed and protected, and to further our profession and skillset.Our department consists of specialists passionate about their field and thriving in the dynamic and complex environment -- and we are currently looking for a new colleauge to strengthen our IT Security Architect team!Your Role:The IT Security Architect role in Statkraft relies on good communication skills, influencing the positive and mature IT security posture throughout the organization and using the security mandate to protect and improve the IT security services and IT architecture.You will report to Head of Cyber Security Architecture and be part of the Cyber Security Architecture Department, and your tasks will include the following:Assess and design secure and compliant solutions with customers, bringing security requirements and best practice early into the design process, and monitor their implementationBuild relationships and collaborate with stakeholders, system owners, IT specialists, and process control specialists to ensure all visions are alignedImplement administrative and technical security controls throughout the global IT and process control environmentPromote security culture and awareness in StatkraftDevelop and maintain security standards, guidelines, and best practices for secure development and testing across different platforms and technologiesEvaluate IT and process control infrastructure changes and requests that impact securityProvide practical security requirements to projects and activities that helps both the end user and the organization to balance security - based on established security policies and standardsAssist with internal and external security audits and assessments, and facilitate third party security assessments and penetration testingCollaborate with GRC team on risk assessments, mitigations, and subject matter expertiseCollaborate with CSIRT team toensure that findings are addressed through robust processes, IT, and process control security architectureContinously improve security poilcies and processes based on your experience, observations, and research within the cyber security fieldQualificationsPassionate about cybersecurity and have knowledge about threats to critical infrastructureTechnical background in IT security, and development or operationsGood knowledge within one or more of the areas in IT security and process control security, including LAN/WAN networks and communication security, software development security, identity and access management, and security operationsKnowledge about Zero Trust Architecture and conceptsWork experience with security frameworks and standards (e.g. ISO 27001, NIST CSF, and CIS Controls), and/or risk assessments and risk management process is an advantageWork experience with security- and penetration testing is an advantageStructured, ethical, professional, proactive, and ambitiousYou are fluent in English and Norwegian, both oral and writingAdditional InformationWhat we offerUnlimited learning opportunities at various levels of the organizationThe chance to grow your career alongside a truly global network of experts, leaders, specialists, and graduates from different countries and backgroundsThe opportunity to work somewhere with pride, and be able to honestly say “My work is contributing to saving the planet”A work culture that puts emphasis on the individual, offering flexible working solutions, and work-life balance principlesStatkraft offers competitive terms of employment and benefit schemes, and we’re a trusted employer that puts the safety of our people first. We believe that a safe and healthy working environment is a matter of choice, not chanceStatkraft manages critical infrastructure and services in several countries. We conduct background checks on qualified applicants before hire and in this role you must qualify for Norwegian and Swedish security clearance and authorization. Necessary background check according to Norwegian and Swedish regulatory requirements is needed for this position.Statkraft's vision is to renew the way the world is powered. To navigate the complex journey ahead, we need every voice at the table. We therefore work actively to be a diverse and inclusive workplace and welcome all applicants regardless of background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality or disability.Application deadline: 12. August 2024. Applications will be evaluated after the deadline.Location: The position is located at our main office in Lilleaker, Oslo, Norway.**Contact:**For more information about the process, please contact Celina Nybråten, Talent Acquisition Advisor, celina.nybraten@statkraft.com. Adresse: Oslo
12.08.2024 Oslo
Prosjektleder - Bygg (Trondheim)
SelskapsbeskrivelseStatkraft fornyer verden med ren energi -- det er vår visjon. Vi har over 125 års ekspertise uten sidestykke for å forsyne verden med det den trenger mest. Fordi i kampen mot klimaendringer ser vi ikke fornybar energi som en del av løsningen -- vi tror det er løsningen. Statkraft går inn i en spennende tid med vekst der du vil få muligheten til å formen en karriere som virkelig er fremoverlent med mange fantastiske muligheter. Når vi nå ser mot 2030, er ambisjonene våre høyere enn noen gang -- med betydelig høyere vekstambisjoner på tvers av geografier og teknologier.Det er mer arbeid som må gjøres -- derfor trenger vi deg med på laget!JobbeskrivelseHar du lyst til å lede spennende vannkraftprosjekter? Da ønsker vi å bli kjent med deg!Vi søker Prosjektleder Bygg til utvikling og gjennomføring av spennende dam- og kraftverksprosjekter. Stillingen er tiltenkt prosjekter i forbindelse med våre anlegg i Trondheim, Tydal, Surnadal og Sunndalsøra. Oppmøtested er Trondheim.Prosjektavdelingen i Statkraft består av rundt 40 personer og gjennomfører en stor mengde vannkraftprosjekter i hele Norge. Prosjektporteføljen vår er økende og består av alt fra små og enkle til store og komplekse prosjekter. Vi er lokalisert med oppmøtesteder i Narvik, Trondheim, Gaupne, Sauda, Dalen og Oslo. Reising i forbindelse med prosjektgjennomføring må påregnes.Din rolle:Prosjektleder for byggprosjekter fra idefase til ferdig prosjektLedelse og oppfølging av egne prosjektteamRepresentere Statkraft på en god måte i samarbeid med myndigheter, entreprenører og andre parterOppfølging av konsulenter, entreprenører og andre leverandørerBidra til å kvalitetssikre og evaluere tilbud fra leverandører og entreprenørerSikre at alt arbeid utføres iht. Statkrafts krav, kontrakter, offentlige krav, prosjektmodell, m.m.Rapportering til Prosjekteier og StyringsgruppeKvalifikasjonerHvem er du:Utdanning på Bachelor- eller Masternivå innen bygg og anlegg. Lang erfaring kan kompensere for manglende utdannelseErfaring med prosjektledelse er en fordel, men ikke et kravEvne til å inspirere og skape et godt og utviklende arbeidsmiljøEr kundefokusert og løsningsorientertErfaring fra vannkraftproduksjon er en fordel, men ikke et kravArbeider ryddig og strukturertGode generelle IT--kunnskaper og --ferdigheterBehersker norsk og engelsk, muntlig og skriftligYtterligere informasjonI Statkraft leter vi alltid etter mennesker med gode sosiale evner og som kommuniserer godt. Folk som liker å lede, lære og hjelpe andre å lære.Statkraft tilbyr:En karriere i Statkraft er meningsfylt -- hver eneste medarbeider bidrar til en reell forskjell for samfunnet og vår felles framtid. Sammen med faglig sterke kolleger i et godt arbeidsmiljø vil du være tett på produksjonen av den fornybare energien som skal være med å løse klimautfordringen vi står overfor. Samtidig som du kan være stolt av at ditt arbeid, kan vi også tilby mange andre fordeler:Ubegrensede læringsmuligheter på ulike nivåer i organisasjonenSjansen til å utvikle din karriere sammen med et globalt nettverk av eksperter, ledere, spesialister og kandidater fra forskjellige land og bakgrunnerKonkurransedyktige betingelser og velferdsordningerVi er en betrodd arbeidsgiver som setter sikkerheten til våre ansatte først. Vi mener at et trygt og sunt arbeidsmiljø er et spørsmål om valg, ikke tilfeldigheterStatkraft forvalter kritisk infrastruktur og tjenester i flere land. Søkeren må være kvalifisert for sikkerhetsklarering og autorisasjon.Kontaktperson for stillingen: Seksjonssjef Bygg: Bård Aslak Birkeland tlf: 90747531Søknadsfrist 22.08.2024 Adresse: Trondheim
08.08.2024 Trondheim
Blokk fra mal
Dette innholdet er hentet fra en Innholdsmal og kan kun redigeres ved å oppdatere Innholdsmalen. Ved å oppdatere Innholdsmalen, vil alle steder den er brukt automatisk oppdateres noe som muliggjør masseoppdateringer.
Les mer om muligheter hos Statkraft
Blokk fra mal
Dette innholdet er hentet fra en Innholdsmal og kan kun redigeres ved å oppdatere Innholdsmalen. Ved å oppdatere Innholdsmalen, vil alle steder den er brukt automatisk oppdateres noe som muliggjør masseoppdateringer.
Om Statkraft

Statkraft er et ledende internasjonalt selskap innen vannkraft og Europas største leverandør av fornybar energi. Konsernet produserer vannkraft, vindkraft, solkraft og gasskraft og leverer fjernvarme. Statkraft er en global markedsaktør innen energihandel og har 3400 ansatte i 16 land.


Vi er opptatt av deg som student, som nyutdannet og som erfaren, rekrutterer årlig til våre sommerjobber, tverrfaglige sommerprosjekt og traineestillinger i Statkrafts internasjonale traineeprogram. Vi ønsker å komme i kontakt med deg som har ambisjoner om å skape muligheter for Statkraft og som ønsker en spennende karriereutvikling i et innovativt og internasjonalt konsern med høy etisk standard. 


I en verden med store klimautfordringer er Statkrafts kjerneprodukt mer etterspurt og verdifullt enn noen gang. Behovet for ren energi skaper betydelige vekstmuligheter. Statkraft har en unik posisjon for å ta del i denne veksten, og vil utvikle fornybar energi på en måte som støtter en positiv samfunnsutvikling.

Ambisjonen for Statkraft er å styrke posisjonen som en ledende internasjonal leverandør av ren energi. Dette skal gjøres ved å utnytte konsernets konkurransefortrinn og kjernekompetanse.